Management of Medical Care for Complex Injury and Illness at Shepherd Center

Specialized and comprehensive outpatient management resources for complex injuries and illnesses

Musculoskeletal injuries, neuromuscular diseases, and traumatic injuries are complex to manage and treat, requiring ongoing specialized medical care, even after discharge.

The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic at Shepherd Center uses a multi-specialty approach to help patients continue managing their medical care while improving outcomes and decreasing secondary health complications throughout their lifetime.

This comprehensive and holistic approach includes follow-up visits with a physical medicine and rehabilitation expert trained to help manage your care while always welcoming you and your loved ones in healthcare decision-making. 

What to Expect as a Patient in the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic

Assessment and Evaluation

Our team of multi-specialty physiatrists will thoroughly assess and evaluate your condition and any complications you may be experiencing. This evaluation may include a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, imaging studies, and functional assessments to determine your condition's extent and identify improvement areas.

Goal Setting 

Once the assessment is complete, the physical medicine and rehabilitation team works with you to set realistic goals tailored to your condition, lifestyle, and preferences. These goals include improving mobility, reducing pain, enhancing strength and endurance, and achieving functional independence in daily activities. 

Managing and Treating Secondary Health Conditions

Ongoing and regular follow-up visits with your physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor are critical in managing and preventing secondary health conditions that directly result from a disability or injury. These secondary complications can include pressure sores, respiratory complications, urinary tract infections, spasticity, and other musculoskeletal problems.

Your multi-specialty care plan will include education, proactive interventions, and ongoing monitoring to help maintain your overall health. Services and treatments that may be recommended to you by your multi-specialty care team include: 

  • Medication Management
  • Spasticity Management
  • Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy
  • Nutritional Management

Appointments and Referrals for Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic

The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic within Shepherd Center in Atlanta offers convenient access and free parking. A variety of scheduling options are provided, including repeat appointment times when available. As a one-stop shop for the outpatient management of medical conditions from a complex injury or illness, patients can access the most comprehensive services, from a visit with a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician to spasticity and case management.

Request An Appointment

The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic at Shepherd Center

Contact Us


Our Address

2020 Peachtree Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-1465

Clinic Hours

Monday to Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

8:30 a.m. - Noon ET