Emergency response for people with disabilities

At Shepherd Center, we understand that emergencies can pose unique challenges for individuals with physical and cognitive limitations. That’s why we launched the RESCUE Program — a community service initiative dedicated to enhancing emergency preparedness and response for people with disabilities. Through the RESCUE Program, we provide home alert labels and educational resources to help create effective emergency plans, ensuring quicker response times in critical situations.

Why emergency preparedness is crucial

Emergency preparedness is critical, especially for individuals with mobility impairments, who are at higher risk during disasters like fires. With about 21 million Americans living with mobility-related disabilities, this population faces a unique set of challenges when it comes to evacuation and safety​.


Physical disabiliy contributes to 30% of home fire deaths.

U.S. Fire Administration


Only 47% of people with disabilities have a disaster plan.

U.S. Fire Administration

Building a support system for emergencies

Engage with local resources

Start by connecting with your local fire department. Share your evacuation plan, inform them about your specific needs, and request to be added to their database for priority assistance. This proactive approach helps first responders better understand any mobility devices or limitations that could impact evacuation.

Create detailed evacuation plans

Whether at home or work, having a well-rehearsed evacuation plan is crucial. Identify multiple exits and areas of refuge, and practice the plan with trusted individuals who can assist you during an emergency. Make sure your plan accounts for any help you might need for safe transfers or mobility. In your workplace, share copies of your evacuation plan with supervisors, building managers, and potential first responders.

Ensure accessible safety measures

Display the RESCUE label at your home’s entrance to quickly alert emergency personnel that you may need additional assistance. It’s also smart to have at least two accessible exits and, if possible, to position your bedroom close to one. Consider fireproofing your home with sprinkler systems or flame-resistant materials.

A sign with the word

Plan ahead with the RESCUE label

You can enhance your preparedness by requesting RESCUE materials, which include fire safety tips and resources to keep you informed and prepared. Shepherd Center is here to help ensure that everyone can navigate emergencies safely. There is currently no research to support an increased risk of crime with the presence of this sticker.

Resources for emergency preparedness

At Shepherd Center, we are committed to helping individuals with disabilities stay safe and prepared during emergencies. Below are essential tips and strategies for fire safety and evacuation tailored specifically for those with physical and cognitive limitations.

When evacuating someone with mobility challenges, proper technique is critical to ensure both their safety and the safety of the helper. Here are effective methods:

Proper body mechanics

  • Always lift with your legs, keeping your hips aligned under your shoulders.
  • Keep the person close to your body to reduce strain on your arms and back.
  • Avoid twisting; move in the direction you’re headed by shifting weight between your legs.

Sheet over toes carry

  • If you’re assisting someone in bed or on the floor, fold a sheet over their knees and toes, criss-crossing it behind the knees for stability.
  • Two strong individuals can then lift them safely, supporting their head and neck if needed.

Two-person lift

  • The stronger person should handle the trunk, while another person supports the legs for better control when descending stairs or ramps.
  • Remember to communicate and synchronize your movements to avoid injury.

Sheet drag for single-helper situations

  • If only one person is available to assist, place the individual on a sheet or blanket and drag them to safety.

Preventative measures are essential for individuals with disabilities, particularly those with cognitive or physical impairments.

  • Smoke alarms: Install alarms on every level of your home. Test them monthly and replace batteries regularly to reduce the risk of fatalities by up to 60%.
  • Staying connected: Always have a phone within easy reach, and consider a monitored fire alarm system that directly alerts emergency services.
  • Accessible mobility devices: Ensure your wheelchair or mobility aid is within reach to enable a swift evacuation.

What to do if you can’t evacuate immediately?

If you’re unable to evacuate:

  • Get Low: Stay close to the floor to avoid inhaling smoke.
  • Find Areas of Refuge: In public spaces, seek out designated areas of refuge, such as stairwells, where first responders are trained to check.

Cognitive considerations in emergency situations

Individuals with cognitive impairments may struggle to recognize and respond to danger quickly.

  • Post your evacuation plan prominently in your living space to aid memory.
  • In kitchens, consider adaptive equipment or supervised cooking to ensure safety. Never leave food unattended, and avoid loose clothing that could catch fire.

Fire safety must start at home

  • Kitchen safety: Implement strict cooking guidelines, such as turning pot handles away from the front of the stove, using appliances with automatic shut-off features, and never leaving the kitchen while cooking.
  • General household safety: Avoid candles and matches, maintain a safe distance between space heaters and flammable items, and use checklists to ensure all appliances are turned off after use.

Prepare for natural disasters with these survival strategies:

  • Stock supplies: Keep enough food, water, and medications for at least 72 hours. A battery-powered radio and flashlight should also be included in your emergency kit.
  • Backup power: If you use medical equipment like ventilators, consider purchasing a generator and a manual wheelchair as a backup.
  • Locate shelters: Identify accessible emergency shelters in your area, and have transportation options ready for evacuation.