Pioneering neurorehabilitation through innovative research

Our research programs are dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of neurological conditions, including spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain. By integrating clinical expertise with groundbreaking scientific inquiry, we aim to uncover new therapies, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for individuals facing neurological challenges. Discover how our research is making a tangible difference and shaping the future of neurorehabilitation.

Research focus areas

A research participant with a magnetic sensor attached to their tongue is testing tongue-controlled technology. In front of them, a laptop screen displays charts and a diagram of a mouth. A red prompt on the screen reads: Freeze your tongue! You have 5 seconds left.

Clinical trials and studies

We conduct FDA-regulated clinical trials to test new drugs and devices, ensuring their safety and effectiveness. Our clinical trials team facilitates research studies that enable patient volunteers to receive innovative treatments still under investigation, often prior to FDA approval.