Say hello to Leovie Lopez, an 18-year-old firecracker from Huntsville, Alabama, who’s turning heads and throwing side eyes with style at Project Rollway! After sustaining a spinal cord injury in a life-changing injury on October 25, 2023, Leovie hasn’t just been planning her future—she’s been redefining it. You can find her smothering her nephew with kisses or dreaming big about her career in sonography.

Leovie's got goals that stretch all the way to Houston, where she plans to become a registered diagnostic sonographer and maybe start a family of her own. Her biggest wish for Shepherd Center? Keep rocking it—and maybe hand out a few raises to those fabulous nurses and therapists who made her graduation feel like a family reunion. Leovie doesn’t always love people, but she loves hard. With a supportive family behind her and a determination that just won’t quit, Leovie is ready to take on the world.