Introducing Bryson Parler, a 22-year-old from North Augusta, South Carolina! Bryson's life took a turn on August 4, 2023, when an accident led to a TBI. But that hasn't slowed her down. Instead, it fueled her passion for life and learning. Whether she's hitting the trails, crafting something new, or jamming out to Taylor Swift, Bryson embraces each day with enthusiasm.

Bryson is gearing up for a bright future with plans to earn her MPH and PA degrees from the University of Alabama-Birmingham. With a keen interest in General Surgery, she's excited to explore various medical fields through rotations.

At Shepherd, Bryson cherished times playing Just Dance with Mercedes, her recreation therapist, who wore an eyepatch to make their competition more even, since Bryson has vision in only one eye. A fun fact about Bryson? She completed a marathon just months before her injury, a testament to her endurance and determination.