Meet Marlee Tindle, an 18-year-old movie buff and TikTok enthusiast from Meadville, Mississippi, gracing Project Rollway with style. After a brain injury in a 2023 car wreck, Marlee found inspiration in her recovery to graduate with her friends and pursue a career in physical therapy, motivated by her caregivers.

Marlee loves staying connected through films, games, and laughter with loved ones. Her dream for Shepherd Center is to continue its mission of helping individuals reclaim their lives, just as they did for her.

A cherished memory at Shepherd Pathways includes gaining strength while jogging with Poet, the facility dog—a symbol of her resilience. Despite initial doubts, Marlee found herself drawn back to Atlanta, realizing Shepherd Center felt like family. During her first visit home, she not only walked across the stage at her high school pageant but also won Junior Class Beauty, cheered on by an auditorium full of support.