Preparing for a smooth transition back to community, work, or school

You and your rehabilitation team will organize activities such as grocery shopping, accessing transportation, dining out at local restaurants, and pre-vocational and vocational assessments and counseling to help ease the transition back to the community, work, or school.

What to expect in the Brain Injury Day Treatment Program

The Brain Injury Day Treatment Program occurs at Shepherd Pathways, a nearby facility in Decatur, Georgia, that offers a large open treatment space where patients participate in facility-based training and re-integration training into the community.

Day Treatment Program services are provided five days per week and consist of individual and group-based treatments driven by patient-centered goals. Treatment is focused on community reintegration, often by returning to home, work, school, and leisure/recreation participation.

In a brightly lit room, a young man in a wheelchair, dressed in a plaid shirt and camouflage pants, smiles as he's playfully touched by a woman in an orange

Enhancing community integration through tailored activities and support

A Shepherd Pathways case manager will help coordinate your individualized care with the rehabilitation team. Our expert treatment teams are led by a physician and may include physical, occupational, speech, and recreation therapists, a nurse, a neuropsychologist, a rehabilitation counselor, a vocational specialist, an exercise specialist, a life skills trainer, and a rehabilitation technician on an individual or group basis.