The mTBI Brain Health and Recovery Lab aims to improve the brain health and recovery of civilians, military veterans and service members, and first responders with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Our areas of focus include improving access to care, deepening understanding of outcome predictors, and developing and implementing targeted therapies. Our research programs investigate injuries ranging from sports concussion to combat blast injury, injuries in unique subpopulations such as military special operators or those with co-occurring substance use disorders, person-centered goal directed care, rehabilitation of vestibular and cognitive functioning, and development and implementation of technology delivered interventions. These efforts support us in offering innovative care in the SHARE Military Initiative and Complex Concussion Clinic.

Current research studies


The purpose of this longitudinal study is to characterize and determine the prevalence of substance use among veterans and service members seeking interdisciplinary treatment for traumatic brain injury and co-occurring psychological conditions, as well as identify clinical variables that predict program entry, completion, and overall outcomes. This project also aims to provide initial validation of a concurrent TBI and substance use disorder treatment model. Funding is provided by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation.


The purpose of this study is to understand the brain physiology characterizing protracted recovery after concussion, defined as symptoms lasting for greater than 30 days. We are using advanced imaging and clinical testing to study brain activation and connectivity, distinguishing patients with persistent post-concussive dizziness from patients recovering normally from concussion. This study is being conducted with collaborators from Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Funding is provided by the National Institutes of Health.


The purpose of this study is to understand the brain physiology characterizing chronic symptoms due to blast mTBI, defined as symptoms lasting for greater than six months. We are using advanced imaging and clinical testing to study brain activation and connectivity, distinguishing Military Service Members and Veterans with blast TBI from healthy controls. This study is being conducted with collaborators from Emory University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Funding is provided by the American Society for Neuroradiology and the Center for Advanced Brain Imaging.


The purpose of this study is to ensure the safety of adolescent and young adult drivers after concussion. We are assessing simulated and on-road driving performance in both the acute and subacute phase after concussion for comparison with clinical concussion assessments used commonly in primary care and concussion clinics. This study is being conducted with collaborators from the University of Georgia. Funding is provided by the Andee’s Army Brain and Spinal Cord Foundation.


This research seeks to evaluate the outcomes of military service members, veterans, and first responders who have completed rehabilitation care at SHARE by examining demographic, injury characteristics, clinical variables, and outcome measures data collected for clinical care and program evaluation purposes.


The purpose of this project is to take a research-informed approach to expand and improve SHARE’s hybrid (telehealth and in-person care) treatment program. Funding is provided by the Wounded Warrior Project.


The purpose of this project is to develop and test a peer mentoring program for college students seeking care through Shepherd Center’s Complex Concussion Clinic. This study is being conducted with collaborators from the University of Georgia. Funding is provided by the Andee’s Army Brain and Spinal Cord Foundation.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient outcomes in the SHARE program for participants from 2015-2018 to determine if intensive, comprehensive multidisciplinary care driven by person-centered goals also leads to improvement in symptoms and reduced impairment in previously intractable patients with chronic mild traumatic brain injury.


The purpose of this study is to develop and test SwapMyMood, a mobile app designed to assist people with brain injury to engage in problem-solving and emotion regulation. The app is an electronic mobile version of evidence-based tools that were previously only available in paper format and was designed with input from clients and staff in the SHARE Military Initiative. Funding is provided by the LiveWell RERC via a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research.


The purpose of this study is to inform clinical practice through increasing knowledge and understanding about the frequency of cognitive-communication challenges experienced by adolescents and adults with mild traumatic brain injury, the relationship between various measures of cognitive communication to other mTBI symptoms as well as the referral patterns of medical providers and the impact of subsequent treatment (or non-treatment) on amelioration of cognitive-communication complaints. This study is being conducted with collaborators from the University of Georgia.


The purpose of this study is to inform clinical practice through increasing knowledge and understanding about the use of transcranial stimulation paired with exercise on memory and attention training compared to exercise alone in adults with mild traumatic brain injury.

Lab outputs

  • Hashida K, Drattell J, Lynall R, Gore R, Devos H, Schmidt J (2024). Post-Concussion Daily Naturalistic Driving Behavior Throughout Concussion Recovery. NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. New Orleans, LA. June 27, 2024.
  • Hashida K, Drattell J, Devos H, Gore R, Lynall R, Schmidt J (2024). Can clinical concussion battery inform driving performance acutely following concussion? ACSM Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. May 30, 2024.
  • Hashida K, Drattell J, Lynall R, Gore R, Devos H, Schmidt J(2024). Examination of naturalistic driving behavior and safety measures across concussion recovery. FWATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium. Las Vegas, NV. April 15, 2024.
  • McCauley, K., Wallace, T. Forehand, D., Palacios, J., Breitenstein, J. & Gore, R. (2024). Enhancing Interdisciplinary TBI Treatment for Military Veterans and Service Members with Co-Occurring Substance Use: Program Development, Access to Care, and Early Treatment Outcomes. Presented at the North American Brain Injury Society’s 17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Wallace, T., Morris, J., Gartell, R., McCauley, K., & Gore, R. (2024). Iterative User-Centered Design of the SwapMyMood Mobile App: Real-World Clinical Insights. Poster presented at the North American Brain Injury Society’s 17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Hashida K, Drattell J, Devos H, Gore R, Lynall R, Schmidt J (2024). Do concussion assessments predict simulated driving performance following concussion? 2nd Annual EarRLY TBI Conference. Online. February 23, 2024.
  • Wallace, T., O’Brien, K., Pei, Y., Wallace, T., Gartell, R., Kemp, A., Appleberry, C. & Gore, R. (2024). Person-centered goals after concussion: An exploratory analysis of speech-language pathology services. Presented at the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.
  • O’Brien, K., Messina, A., Pei, Y., Kemp, A., Gartell, R., Gore, R. Appleberry, C. & Wallace, T. (2024). Assessment of mild traumatic brain injury: An examination of cognitive and communication factors related to service provision. Presented at the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.
  • Haarbauer-Krupa, J. Eugene, D., Wallace, T., Johnson, S. & Tucker, J. (2024). Understanding Uninsured Individuals following Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries. Presented at the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.
  • Gore RK (2023). Post-concussive vestibular dysfunction; network alterations characterizing dizziness after sport-related concussion. International Symposium on Sport-Related Concussion, Paris, France, October 13.
  • Wallace, T., Cotner, B., Hodge, A., McCauley, K., Gore, R. (Nov 2023). Implementing Person-Centered Goal Directed Care in Neurorehabilitation. Instructional Course presented at the 100th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Weaver, J., Kozlowski, A., Ehrlich-Jones, L., Proffitt, R., & Wallace, T. (Nov 2023) Three Exemplars Applying Person-Centered Measurement Principles in Rehabilitation Practice. Symposium presented at the 100th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Frank, R., Hodge, A., Gartell, R., Odom, B., Wallace, T., & Edelman, L. (2023). Application of a Novel Integrated Interdisciplinary Habituation Training Program to Address mTBI-Associated Vestibular, Visual, and Auditory System Disturbances. Poster presented at the 100th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Hashida K, Drattell JD, Lynall RC, Gore RK, Devos H, Schmidt JD (2023). Driving after concussion: Do symptom clusters predict driving performance within 72 hours of concussion? Poster presented at the ACRM 100th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  • Drattell JD, Hashida K, Lynall RC, Gore RK, Devos H, Schmidt JD (2023). University Student Performance on the Useful Field Of View Test With and Without an Acute Concussion. Poster presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 100th Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
  • Gore RK (2023) Update on the 2023 Amsterdam Concussion Guidelines (2023). 16th Annual Emory Sports Medicine Symposium, Atlanta, GA, June 10-11.
  • Wallace, T., Hodge, A., Moran, T., McCauley, K., Edelman, L., Gore, R. (2023). Person-centered rehabilitation goals of military service members and Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury and co-occurring psychological conditions. Oral presentation presented at the 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, International Brain Injury Association, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Conklin, J., McCauley, K., Breitenstein, J., Edelman, L., Gore, R., & Wallace, T. (2023). Impact of Telehealth and Hybrid Service Delivery upon Comprehensive Rehabilitation Outcomes for Military Populations with Traumatic Brain Injury. Presented as a rapid report on COVID and Clinical Practice During the Pandemic at the 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, International Brain Injury Association, Dublin, Ireland.
  • O’Brien, K. Pei, Y., Kemp, A., Gartell, R., Gore, R., & Wallace, T. (2023). Speech-language pathology rehabilitative services following concussion: An exploratory study of person-centered goals. Poster presented at the 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, International Brain Injury Association, Dublin, Ireland.
  • O’Brien, K. Pei, Y., Kemp, A., Gartell, R., & Wallace, T. (2023). The SUCCESS Peer Mentoring Program for Students with Concussion: A Pilot Study of Academic and Psychosocial Outcomes. Poster presented at the 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, International Brain Injury Association, Dublin, Ireland.
  • McCauley KL, Sorna M, Gore RK (2022).  Improving Access and Treatment for Substance Use and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Military/Veteran Populations. ACRM 99th Annual Conference: Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, IL, November 8-11.
  • Wallace, T. Cotner, B., Klyce, D., Gore, R., Hodge, A. (2022). Patient Goal Directed Care in Brain Injury Rehabilitation. Symposium presentation at the 99th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Smith JL, Trofimova A, Ahluwalia V, Hurtado J, Gore RK, JW Allen (2022). The vestibular neuromatrix in patients with post-concussive vestibular dysfunction and healthy controls.  ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London, England, May 7-12.
  • Gore RK (2022) Driving after concussion: Steering clinicians toward evidence-based recommendations. 15th Annual Emory Sports Medicine Symposium, Atlanta, GA, May 14-15.
  • Kenyon C, Casado J, Risk B, Sandlin D, Hurtado J, Jayanthi N, Allen J, Gore RK (2022) Altered sensory integration strategies in subacute post-concussive vestibular dysfunction: a discrete wavelet transform analysis. 15th Annual Emory Sports Medicine Symposium, Atlanta, GA, May 14-15.
  • Kemp, A, O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2022). College Student Experiences of Recovery from Prolonged Concussion Symptoms: Not Just a Checked Box. Paper presented at the 99th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Norman, R., Wallace, T., Eshel, I., McCauley, K., Gartell, R., & Diefenbach, H. (2022) Communication in Community Re-Integration of Military Service Members and Veterans with mTBI: A Team-Based Approach. Symposium presentation at the 99th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Wallace, T., Whaley, M., McCauley, K., Conklin, J., Breitenstein, J. & Gore, R. (2022). Patient Goal Directed Outcomes: A Model of Care for Military Veterans & Service Members with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & Co-occurring Psychological Conditions. Podium presentation at the Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Strengthening Networks Conference, Aurora, CO.
  • McCauley, K., Gore, R., Wallace, T., & Breitenstein, J. (2022). Addressing Substance Use in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Treatment. Panel presentation at the Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Strengthening Networks Conference, Aurora, CO.
  • McCauley, K., Wallace, T., Conklin, J., Mangin, A., Whaley, M., Breitenstein, J. & Gore, R. (2022). The SHARE Access Project: Improving Access to Comprehensive TBI Treatment for Military Veterans and Servicemembers with Co-Occurring Substance Use. Poster presented at the Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Strengthening Networks Conference, Aurora, CO.
  • Kelly, J., Wallace, T., Gore, R., Johnston-Brooks, C. & Arciniegas, D. (2022). The Avalon Network: Optimizing Outcomes for Veterans with mTBI. Podium presentation at the Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Strengthening Networks Conference, Aurora, CO.
  • Gore, R., Brown, G., Wallace, T., Schwartz, A., Appleberry, C., Hurtado, J. & Hodge, A. (2022). Interdisciplinary Care for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Model for Differential Diagnosis and Management. Recorded webinar produced for Shepherd Center’s NeuroRehabilitation Learning Institute, an online training institute accessed by healthcare providers from more than 50 countries.
  • Gore RK (2021) Vestibular Impairment after Mild TBI: Dysfunction of Multisensory Integration. University of Alaska Anchorage, Head Injury ECHO, March 24.
  • Mullins ML, Galante A, Gore RK (2021). Under Pressure: Postural Headaches Following A Blindside Hit In A College Lineman.  American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, San Diego, California, April 13-18.
  • Schmidt J, Miller LS, Lyndall R, Lempke L, Gore RK, Devos H (2021). Driving After Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.  Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida.
  • McCauley, K., Wallace, T., Breitenstein, J., Gore, R. (2022). Addressing Substance Use in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Treatment. Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Strengthening Networks Conference, Aurora, CO, April 22-23.
  • Wallace, T. (2021). Engaging Patients Through Patient Centered Goals. Recorded webinar produced for Shepherd Center’s NeuroRehabilitation Learning Institute, an online training institute accessed by healthcare providers from more than 50 countries.
  • Pei, Y., O’Brien, K. H., Kemp, A.M., Wallace, T., Gartell, R. (2021). Communication problems post-concussion and associations with rehabilitation referral. Symposium presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
  • Kemp, A.M., O’Brien, K. H., Wallace, T., Pei, Y., Gartell, R. (2021). Designing and implementing effective supports for college students with concussion: Overview of the SUCCESS program. Symposium presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
  • Gore, R., Brown, G., Wallace, T., Schwartz, A., Appleberry, C., Hurtado, J. & Hodge, A. (2021). Interdisciplinary Care for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Model for Differential Diagnosis and Management. Instructional Course presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • O’Brien, K., Wallace, T., Hardin, K., Norman, R., & Lundine, J. (2021). Cognitive-Communication and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The State of the Evidence. Symposium presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Kelly, J., Gore, R., Wallace, T., Johnston-Brooks, C., Arciniegas, D. (2021). Optimizing Outcomes: Care of Veterans and Service Members with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Symposium presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Pei, Y., Kemp, A., O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2021). Incidence and Referral for Management of Communication Complaints in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Poster presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Kemp, A. Pei, Y., O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2021). Success in College after Concussion with Effective Student Supports (SUCCESS): Persona Testing of a Peer Mentoring Program. Poster presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Pei, Y., Gartell, R., Kemp, A., O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2021). A Retrospective Chart Review of Referrals for Speech-Language Pathology Services after Concussion. Poster presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Kemp, A., Gartell, R., O’Brien, K., Wallace, T.  & Pei, Y., (2021). Infographic Development for the Success in College after Concussion with Effective Student Supports (SUCCESS) Peer Mentoring Program. Poster presented at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Wallace, T., O’Brien, K., Hardin, K., Norman, R., Lundine, J. (2021). Invited moderator for Themed Live Discussion on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion at the 98th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • Fanello, T., Galvin H., Wallace, T., Stevenson, M., Glickstein, R., & Hudson, K. (2021). Military Culture Competency Training presented via videoconferencing for providers within the Gary Sinise Foundation Avalon Network.
  • Gore, R., Brown, G., Wallace, T., Schwartz, A., Appleberry, C., Hurtado, J. & Hodge, A. (2021). Interdisciplinary Care for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Model for Differential Diagnosis and Management. Instructional Course presented at the American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Spring Meeting, originally planned to be held in Dallas, TX but instead held virtually due to the global pandemic.
  • O’Brien, K., Wallace, T., & Welch-West, P. (2020) College After Concussion: Care Across the Recovery Continuum. Symposium presented at the 97th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, originally planned to be held in Atlanta, GA but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Knollman-Porter, K., Brown, J., Wallace, T. & Spitz, S. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Assessment and Management Practices of First Line Medical Professionals. Symposium presented at the 97th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, originally planned to be held in Atlanta, GA but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Constantinidou, F., Pettemeridou, E., Meulenbroek, E. & Wallace, T. Combating Executive Functioning Deficits Through the Use of Smart Systems and Integrative Technologies. Symposium presented at the 97th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, originally planned to be held in Atlanta, GA but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Wallace, T., Gore, R., Brown, G., Appleberry, C., Hodge, A., Hurtado, J. & Schwartz, A. (2020). Interdisciplinary Care for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Model for Differential Diagnosis and Management. Instructional Course presented at the 97th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, originally planned to be held in Atlanta, GA but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Kemp, O’Brien & Wallace. College and Concussion Recovery: Student Reflections of the Role of Peer Support. Poster presented at the 97th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, originally planned to be held in Atlanta, GA but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Knollman-Porter, K. Spitz, S., Brown, J. Wallace, T. (2020). Proposal Number: 12650. First-line Healthcare Professionals Knowledge of and Referral Practices to Speech Language Pathology for mTBI. Proposal accepted at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled due to 2020 global pandemic).
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2020). SwapMyMood: User-Centered Design and Development of a Mobile App to Support Executive Function. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, originally planned to be held in Italy but instead held virtually due to the 2020 global pandemic.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2020). A Technology Supported mRehab Intervention for Stress Management in TBI and PTSD: Pilot Study Results. Poster presented at Think Big 2020, Brain Injury Association of Georgia, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T., Hodge, A., & Gartell, R. Gore, R. (2020). tDCS Paired With Exercise and Attention Training for mTBI and PTSD Symptoms: A Case Report. Poster presented at Think Big 2020, Brain Injury Association of Georgia, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T & Morris, J. (2020). SwapMyMood: Developing an Executive Functioning App. Presented at the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.
  • O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2020). Development of a Peer Mentoring Program for University Students with Concussion: The SUCCESS Project. Presented at the International Cognitive-Communication Disorders Conference, Orange, CA.
  • Trofimova A, Ahluwalia V, Frias P, Foster C, Appleberry C, Gore RK, Allen JW (2019). Functional Brain Connectivity Alterations Underlying Vestibular Symptomatology in Subacute Post Concussive Visual Motion Sensitivity. Callosum Annual Neuroscience Poster Session, April 16, 2019, GSU/GT Center for Advanced Brain Imaging, Atlanta, GA.
  • Gore RK (2019).  Immersive Environments to Assess and Treat Traumatic Brain Injury:  Reversing a Maladaptive Cortical Response to Injury. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting.  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania May 5-11.
  • Trofimova A, Ahluwalia V, Frias P, Foster C, Gore RK, Allen JW (2019). Functional Connectivity Alterations in Subacute Post-concussive Visual Motion Sensitivity Using a Novel Task-Based Functional MRI Vestibular Paradigm. American Society for Neuroradiology, Boston, Massachusetts, May 18-23.
  • Trofimova A, Ahluwalia V, Foster C, Appleberry C, Gore RK, Allen JW (2019). Resting-state fMRI Brain Connectivity Alterations in Subacute Post-Concussive Visual Motion Sensitivity. American Society for Neuroradiology, Boston, Massachusetts, May 18-23.
  • Trofimova A, Ahluwalia V, Gore RK, Allen JW (2019). Functional Brain MRI in Post-Concussion Vestibular Impairment. 2019 Medical Imaging Technology Showcase. The Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research, Washington, DC.
  • Gore RK, Breitenstein J, Brown G (2019). Veteran Goal-Directed Rehabilitation for Suicide Prevention. VA/DoD Suicide Prevention Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, August 27-29.
  • Brown, J., Ciccia, A., Knollman-Porter, K., Lundine, J., O’Brien, K. & Wallace, T. (2019). The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Role in Pediatric mTBI: Response to CDC Guidelines.  Symposium presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Sheehan, L., Wallis, S., Souders, L., Wallace, T., Tawfik, J., & Morris, J. (2019). Rehabilitation Technology Design and Implementation: Strategies Supporting Long Term Adoption. Symposium presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2019). A Technology Supported mRehab Intervention for Stress Management in TBI and PTSD: Pilot Study Results. Poster presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2019). Development and Testing of a Technology Enhanced Intervention to Support Emotion Regulation in Military mTBI with PTSD. Poster presented at Appy Hour and BEST Suite Launch Party, a rehab app knowledge translation event, Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T & Morris, J. (2019) SwapMyMood: An iOS App for Problem-Solving and Emotion Regulation after TBI. Poster presented at Appy Hour and BEST Suite Launch Party, a rehab app knowledge translation event, Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA.
  • Gore, R., & Wallace, T. (2019). Gray Areas Around Gray Matter in mTBI: An Interactive Discussion. Symposium presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Morris, J. & Wallace, T., Sheehan, L., Souders, L., Jones, M., DeRuyter, F., Thompson, N. (2019). Clinician Perspectives on mHealth/mRehab. Interventions and Technologies. Poster presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Putrino, D., Butzer, J., Jones, M., Mitchell, M., Johnson, D. & Wallace, T. (2019). ACRM LaunchPad: A Rehab Tech Innovation Competition (Moderator). Organized and served as Moderator. Presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Proffitt, R., Wallace, T., Zondervan, D., Wild, M., Johnson, D., Sheehan, L., Souders, L., Burdea, G. (2019). The Shower Bench in the Closet: End User Acceptance and Uptake of Rehabilitation Technology. Instructional course presented at the 96th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, Il.
  • Wallace, T., Hodge, A., Gartell, R. & Gore, R. (2019). tDCS Paired with Exercise and Attention Training for mTBI and PTSD Symptoms: A Case Report. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Georgia Concussion Research Symposium, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2019). Development and Testing of a Technology Enhanced Intervention to Support Emotion Regulation in Military mTBI with PTSD. Poster presented at the 2nd Annual Georgia Concussion Research Symposium, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA.
  • Morris, J. & Wallace, T. (2019) SwapMyMood: An iOS App for Problem-Solving and Emotion Regulation after TBI. Poster presented at RehabWeek, Toronto, Canada.
  • Thompson, N., Morris, J., Wallace, T., Sheehan, L., Souders, L., Jones, M. & DeRuyter, F. (2019) Patient Needs for mHealth/mRehab Interventions and Technologies. Poster presented at RehabWeek, Toronto, Canada.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2019). Development and Testing of a Technology Enhanced Intervention to Support Emotion Regulation in Military mTBI with PTSD. Poster presented at RehabWeek, Toronto, Canada.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2019). Usability of Voice-Activated Smart Speakers by Military Service Members with mTBI and PTSD. Poster presented at RehabWeek, Toronto, Canada.
  • Gore, R. & Wallace, T. (2019). Georgia Concussion Research Consortium Panel Discussion: Persistent Concussion Symptoms. Invited speaker at the Georgia Concussion Research Consortium meeting, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T. (2019). Evaluation and Treatment of Concussion: Cognitive Symptoms and Customized Rehabilitation. Invited speaker at conference “Concussion, Return to Work, Return to Play…What’s New?” hosted by the Georgia chapter of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T. (2019). Rehabilitation of mTBI: When is early enough and when is enough enough? Invited speaker at seminar “Solving the Mystery of mTBI” hosted by Side By Side Brain Injury Clubhouse seminar, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T. & Wild, M. (2018). Assistive Technology for Cognition: Innovations for Military Service Members with TBI and PTSD.  Presented at the 95th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Dallas, TX.
  • Proffitt, R., Wallace, T., Gauthier, L., Woodbury, M., Sheehan, L., Morris, J., Cooley, M., Schneider, M. (2018). User Centered Design of Technologies for Rehabilitation: A Discussion and Demonstration. Presented at the 95th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Dallas, TX.
  • Wallace, T., Hodge, A., & Gartell, R. Gore, R. (2018). tDCS Paired With Exercise and Attention Training for mTBI and PTSD Symptoms: A Case Report. Poster presented at the 95th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Dallas, TX.
  • Morris, J & Wallace, T. (2018). BreatheWell Wear: Development and Testing of a Stress Management App for TBI & PTSD on Android Wear Smartwatches. Presented at the 16th ICCHP International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Linz, Austria.
  • Wallace, T. (2018). Emerging Technologies for Patients with Cognitive Impairments. Webinar presented on behalf of the Georgia Therapy Collaborative.
  • Wallace, T., Hodge, A., Gartell, R. & Gore, R. (2018). tDCS Paired with Exercise and Attention Training for mTBI and PTSD Symptoms: A Case Report. Poster presented at the Carolina Neurostimulation, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2018). Smart Speaker Usability by Military Service Members with mTBI and PTSD.  Presented at the 33rd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Wallace, T. (2018). Using Technology to Support Cognition after Brain Injury. Presented at Think Big: Brain Injury in Georgia: Health and Wellness after Brain Injury. Conference presented by Shepherd Center and the Brain Injury Association of Georgia. Atlanta, GA.
  • Gore RK (2017).  Symposium:  Virtual Reality Enhanced Therapy for Mild TBI Central Vestibular Dysfunction.  ACRM 94th Annual Conference: Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Atlanta, Georgia, October 23-28.
  • Johnson, S., Lecroy, T., Martin, V., Wallace, T. & Cwick, A. (2017). Implementing a Patient/Family Driven Care Program using Goal Attainment Scaling. Presented at the 94th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T., Morris, J. & Davis, L. (2017). Emerging Technologies for Emotion Regulation after TBI. Presented at the 94th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Atlanta, GA.
  • Gore, R., Post, L., Jones, T. & Wallace, T. (2017). Virtual Reality Innovations: Technology Enhanced Therapy for mTBI and Common Comorbid Conditions. Presented at the 94th American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Atlanta, GA.
  • Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2017). BreatheWell: Developing a Stress Management App on Wearables for TBI & PTSD. Presented at the 32nd Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, San Diego, CA.
  • Morris, J., Gore, R., Nakase-Richardson, R., Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2016). Novel Applications of Technology for BI Rehabilitation of Military Service Members. Presented at the 93rd American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, IL.
  • Preminger, S., Gauthier, L., Proffitt, R., Wallace, T. & Morris, J. (2016). Rehabilitation Using Technology-Based Functional Environments: Cognitive, Physical and the Interaction Between Them. Presented at the 93rd American Congress on Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, Progress in Rehabilitation Research, Chicago, IL.
  • Morris, J. & Wallace, T. (2016). Emerging Technologies in Cognitive Rehabilitation. Invited speaker at the 10th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Leadership Forum: Collaborative Partnerships for Best Practice. Shepherd Center, Atlanta, GA.
  • Morris, J., Wallace, T., Bradshaw, S. & Bayer, C. (2016). BreatheWell: A Stress Management App for Wearables. Work presented at the 2016 Assistive Technology Industry Association Convention, Orlando, FL.

mTBI research staff

Shepherd clinical staff and researchers who support mTBI research

Other Complex Concussion Clinic and SHARE Military Initiative clinical staff, as well as Virginia C. Crawford Research Institute researchers, routinely engage in and critically support mTBI Brain Health and Recovery Lab research, including:

  • Cheryl Appleberry, MS, LAT, ATC
  • Jackie Breitenstein, MS, CTRS, CCM
  • Gregory Brown, Psy.D.
  • Rachael Frank, PT, D.P.T., NCS
  • Brick Johnstone, Ph.D.
  • Amber Lopez, MPH-PAPH
  • John Morris, Ph.D., FACRM
  • Bekah Odom, OTM, OTR/L
  • Amber Schwartz, MHS, OTR/L, CDRS
  • Mary Clare Whitmire, OTR/L
  • Cynthia Zmroczek, MS, CCC-SLP

External collaborators

Our external collaborators include:

  • Jason Allen, M.D., Ph.D., Indiana University
  • Rebecca Gartell MA, CCC-SLP, General Dynamics Information Technology
  • Tim P. Moran, Emory University School of Medicine
  • Neeru Jayanthi, M.D., Emory University Sports Medicine
  • Shannon Miller, M.D., DFASAM, DLFAPA, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Dayton/Middletown
  • Gregory Myer, Ph.D., Emory Sports Performance and Research Center (SPARC)
  • Vishwadeep Ahluwalia, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Amy Kemp, Ph.D., U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Edward Hines Jr. VAMC
  • Katy O’Brien, Ph.D., Courage Kenny Research Institute and University of Georgia
  • Julianne Schmidt, Ph.D., UGA Concussion Research Laboratory, University of Georgia
  • Michael Sorna, M.D., MSA FASM, Brain Wellness Program, University of Florida, Health
  • Jarrad Turner, The Warrior Alliance
  • Yalian Pei, Ph.D., Syracuse University

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