Health and Wellness Hands-On Tennis, Golf, and Handcycling Clinic

October 29, 2016
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW)
601 S College Rd., McNeill Hall, Rm 1051, Walton Drive

This is a Health and Wellness Hands-On Clinic for individuals with disabilities. Participants will receive coaching from Shepherd Center’s Recreation Therapy Program, UNCW faculty, and ACCESS of Wilmington. Participating in these types of activities can reduce secondary complications, increase endurance and strength, and can expand your knowledge of leisure skills. Regular participation in leisure-time physical activity will help maintain a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle. Come and experience a workshop where ideas are shared and concepts are learned to expand your golf-playing abilities. Our coaching staff delivers a very comprehensive training. We pride ourselves on continuous learning to pass along the proper, safe and effective methods and curriculum, which will positively impact your life in your community.

For more information or to register, contact: Kelly Edens, Recreation Therapy Manager, at 404-350-7793 or

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