Comprehensive Stroke Treatment and Recovery

Person-Centered Care is at the Core of Shepherd Center's Stroke Treatment and Rehabilitation

At Shepherd Center, an experienced team of doctors and medical professionals takes an integrated approach to stroke treatment and care. Our specialists understand that patients’ rehabilitation after a stroke must include learning a new way of life.

Stroke rehabilitation and treatment at Shepherd Center meets the medical, physical, cognitive and emotional needs of the patient, while supporting and coordinating with the patient’s family. Shepherd also integrates high-tech, therapeutic equipment into the patient’s rehabilitation program. These devices help maximize recovery and independence, while supporting the patient’s return to a productive lifestyle.

Call our Admissions Department at 404-350-7345 to learn about becoming a patient at Shepherd Center.

What stroke rehabilitation programs are offered at Shepherd Center?

Shepherd Center offers three programs for people who require specialized rehabilitation after a stroke. Depending on the severity of illness and medical needs, stroke patients get admitted to:

  • Shepherd’s Inpatient Rehabilitation Program
    The inpatient program involves both the patient and his or her family. This program provides classes and information about how to properly prepare for the future. Our stroke treatment and recovery specialists consider each patient’s physical and cognitive changes and design a person-centered care plan to help the patient reach his or her recovery goals.
  • Shepherd Pathways Day Program
    The Day Program at Shepherd Pathways is a continuation of recovery and rehabilitation for people with brain injury who no longer need 24-hour nursing care. Patients receive ongoing assessments and therapies from an inpatient program or from the community to help them transition back to independent living. Transition activities may include shopping, dining out and accessing transportation.
  • Shepherd Pathways Outpatient Program
    For brain injuries that do not require a full spectrum of care, the Shepherd Pathways Outpatient Program offers singular therapies or a combination of therapies, depending on the care your loved one needs. Patients may come for one service or return for many services, as necessary.

Who participates in your stroke rehabilitation? 

Shepherd Center’s Stroke Rehabilitation Program is led by highly specialized stroke doctors trained in physical medicine and rehabilitation. In addition to the team of doctors, patients see a team of stroke treatment and recovery specialists to provide expertise across a variety of medical disciplines.

Learn more about our stroke medical staff and treatment specialists at Shepherd Center.

Shepherd Center’s Stroke Rehabilitation Program Resources

Want to learn more about Shepherd Center’s Stroke Rehabilitation Program? Discover how we tailor comprehensive, person-centered care to meet patient outcomes and goals. Hear more about our patient program and services by reading testimonials from former patients. Read our educational resources to learn more about stroke rehabilitation, treatment and recovery.

Need help identifying the right stroke rehabilitation center? Discover if Shepherd Center is right for you or your loved one.